

欧洲历史专题 (获评未知重要度
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The right name is "Frederiksberg" - article should be moved


Hello. :-) I've noticed that this article is labelled "Frederiksborg". However this is incorrect. Frederiksborg is castle in 希勒勒 (the town Hillerød) and earlier (1970-2006) the name of a county, Frederiksborg County (doesn't exist anymore), in the northern part of Zealand. While Frederiksberg is a city district in Copenhagen. Every link should be changed to "Frederiksberg":

  • Frederiksberg Castle - a yellow castle nearby Copenhagen Zoo (not to be confused with Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød)
  • Frederiksberg Have - a garden nearby Copenhagen Zoo (not to be confused with the garden of Frederiksborg Castle)
  • Frederiksberg Church - a small church in the city district
  • Frederiksberg Hospital - the main hospital in Frederiksberg

I suggest an article move of the name: "Frederiksborg" > "Frederiksberg".

Best regards, - -BrianRasmussen留言2021年6月3日 (四) 15:31 (UTC)[回复]



看来这个条目的历史有点乱了。我看条目最先创建时的名字是“腓特烈斯贝”,这也是Frederiksberg作为丹麦地名在《世界地名翻译大辞典》中的译名。后来不知怎么移动到“腓特烈堡”。上面英语用户也指出了什么错误。berg的意思应该是“山”,borg才是“堡”的意思。我先把本条目移至“腓特烈斯贝”。--万水千山留言2023年3月29日 (三) 18:16 (UTC)[回复]