

首次出现塞尔达传说 众神的三角力量 (1991)

大师之剑(日语:マスターソード,英语:Master Sword任天堂制作并发行的电子游戏系列塞尔达传说系列中登场的虚构武器,在游戏中被设定为具有神圣力量的魔剑,又拥有"The Blade of Evil's Bane"、"Sword of Resurrection"、"Sword that Seals the Darkness"、"Sacred Sword"等称号。大师之剑在1991年发售的动作冒险游戏塞尔达传说 众神的三角力量》中首次出现,并成为了系列固定出场的武器。大师之剑是主人公林克的标志性武器,是林克的角色形象乃至系列世界观的重要组成部分。在塞尔达传说系列的世界观中,大师之剑是神圣之物、威力巨大,林克多次使用这把剑击败了系列的主要反派盖侬及其他魔物。大师之剑在系列中拥有多种魔法力量,包括驱散邪恶、控制时间流动、发出类似剑气的光束攻击周围敌人等。除了塞尔达传说系列,大师之剑还在其他游戏中登场,如任天堂明星大乱斗系列、《马力欧卡丁车8》、《塞尔达无双》等。大师之剑亦在游戏之外的其他媒体中出现,还被制作成商品周边。粉丝在现实的粉丝创作、Cosplay中再现了大师之剑,甚至将其制作成真正的武器。现今,大师之剑已经成为了电子游戏界广为人知的标志之一。




在塞尔达传说系列中,大师之剑被冠以多种名字。在部分游戏中,它被冠名为“Blade of Evil's Bane”[3]。在《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》中,大师之剑的描述为“传说中的驱魔之剑”[4]。它亦被称为“Master Sword of Resurrection”[5]。在《塞尔达无双》中,它被称为“The Sacred Sword”[6]。在系列的世界观中,大师之剑被定性为神圣之物。《塞尔达传说 御天之剑》揭示了大师之剑起源于“女神之剑”,由女神海利亚创造。在该作的故事中,女神之剑在经过多次强化后,成为大师之剑,拥有驱散邪恶的强大魔法力量。作为女神选中的勇者,林克在系列的多部游戏中使用它击败了游戏的主要反派盖侬(或盖侬多夫),使大师之剑成为善恶之战的重要组成部分。系列中也反复出现林克需要从大师之剑的底座中将其拔出的剧情。尽管大师之剑不总是系列游戏中攻击力最高的剑,但在绝大多数的系列作品中它都是最高级的武器——惟有大师之剑才能击败盖侬[7]

大师之剑的设计在系列中经过了几次更迭,形成了现在以紫色和银色为特征的样式。在其首次登场的1991年动作冒险游戏塞尔达传说 众神的三角力量》中,大师之剑的设计非常普通,但在系列多年的发展中,大师之剑的早期朴素设计也变成了当今的设计形象——可以单手握持的长剑,剑柄为蓝色或紫色,握把夹杂绿色,护手为紫色,张开双翼,中间镶嵌一颗黄宝石[8][9]。大师之剑的另一个特点为剑身的后端镌刻着三角力量的图样[10]

在《塞尔达传说 众神的三角力量》中,林克利用大师之剑可以进行火焰魔法攻击和闪电魔法攻击;在《塞尔达传说 时之笛》中,大师之剑则是保护圣域和三角力量的封印。在《时之笛》中,将大师之剑从底座中拔出会将林克送至七年之后;将其插回底座则会返回七年前[7]。在《塞尔达传说 风之杖》中,大师之剑封印了盖侬多夫的力量,冻结了海拉鲁城堡周围的时间,林克将其拔出导致盖侬多夫的手下重新活跃。在《塞尔达传说 黃昏公主》中,大师之剑被用来开启一条时间通道。在《塞尔达传说 御天之剑》中,玩家可以将大师之剑指向天空收集能量,发出“Skyward Strike”[11]。在《塞尔达传说 众神的三角力量2》中,大师之剑是唯一可以打破海拉鲁城堡周围的魔法屏障的武器[7]。在《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》中,它能够发出对周围敌人造成大量伤害的光束[12]。在《塞尔达传说 旷野之息》中它拥有其他武器都没有的特性,永远不会损坏,只会失去力量,玩家等待一段时间待其恢复能量后可继续使用[13]。当玩家接近与灾厄盖侬紧密相关的敌人之时,大师之剑会发出蓝光,攻击力提升一倍[14]





大师之剑在系列的第三部作品《塞尔达传说 众神的三角力量》中首次登场。本作的法语版本称其为“王者之剑”(Excalibur[17],这个名称来自于来自中世纪威尔士手稿的散文集《马比诺吉昂》中的亚瑟王传说[18]。“王者之剑”这个名称也一直沿用到了法语版本的后续游戏中,如《塞尔达传说 风之杖[19]和《塞尔达传说 黃昏公主[20]

2011年,任天堂发行了《塞尔达传说 御天之剑》,讲述了海拉鲁王国的早期历史和大师之剑的由来[21]。系列制作人青沼英二表示称本作的制作中心在于本作的体感操作,故事本身也围绕游戏玩法编写。他表示,“本作的主题是活用了Wii动感强化器的剑……当你想到塞尔达传说系列当中的剑,你就会想到大师之剑。在开发的早期我们就决定解决大师之剑的来源问题。”大师之剑是塞尔达系列故事的中心,然而由于御天之剑不是系列的第一款作品,该作的剧情与已有的故事时间轴存在不一致。《御天之剑》的总监藤林秀麿解释称,“我们首先确定游戏中必须含有天空和地面这两个世界,在此之上还要讲述海拉鲁王国的建国历程,以及先前从未提过的大师之剑的起源……因此回顾整个系列我们尝试将各种元素整合起来,结果发现各种各样的矛盾由此诞生”[21]。尽管存在矛盾,本作的剧情确立了大师之剑的地位,聚焦于林克将一件武器转变为大师之剑的过程。大师之剑给予了林克击败反派并将其封印在剑内的能力。 This storyline was the foundation for the lore of every other title in The Legend of Zelda series, with the Master Sword placed at the heart of its mythology.[22] The sword was also used as the central game mechanic for the Wii version of Skyward Sword. A television commercial for the game's release in 2011 prominently featured the Master Sword as a way to connect the player to the game's motion controls, which involved using the Wii MotionPlus to control the sword's movements on screen.[23]


File:Master Sword.png
First appearance of the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

The Legend of Zelda series


In the original 1986 The Legend of Zelda video game, a sword appears that predates the Master Sword. This early image of a sword is depicted as a standard fantasy weapon without any defining features, but as an early example, it was the precursor for future iterations of the Master Sword that would appear in subsequent titles. Over the course of the Zelda series, the Master Sword reappeared with each incarnation of Link and its design was changed over time to suit the character's appearance in each era.[8]

The Master Sword was introduced in 1991 with the release of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, which was the third game in The Legend of Zelda series. The storyline involves Link setting out to rescue Princess Zelda by retrieving the blade from its pedestal in the Lost Woods and using it to defeat the main antagonists, the evil wizard Agahnim and finally, Ganon. Several concepts that originated in the game were repeated in subsequent games in the series, including Link drawing the sword from its pedestal and the sword being the only weapon capable of defeating Ganon.[24] The game also gives Link the ability to upgrade the Master Sword firstly into the Tempered Sword and secondly into the Golden Sword to give it a stronger attack power.[25] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Instruction Manual states that the player's first goal is to claim the Master Sword and explains that before he can wield it, Link must obtain three pendants representing courage, wisdom and power by defeating the masters of three dungeons. Once he has obtained the Master Sword, Link must head to the castle to do battle with Agahnim.[26] However before Link defeats Agahnim, he is sent to the Dark World, a gloomy version of Hyrule. Link must then rescue the seven descendants of the Seven Sages and harness their combined power before he can defeat Ganon.[27]

In 1998 the Master Sword reappeared in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and was the first iteration of the longsword design in 3D.[8] The sword is again presented as the only weapon that is capable of defeating Ganon and is this time located in the Temple of Time, locked behind the Door of Time. It also acts as a gateway between Hyrule and the Sacred Realm. After Link has collected three Spiritual Stones he is able to open the Door of Time and claim the Master Sword from its pedestal. Due to his youth the sword seals Link in the Temple of Time for seven years until he is ready to be the Hero of Time. When Link journeys around Hyrule to awaken five of the Seven Sages, he can use the Master Sword to travel back in time by placing it in the pedestal.[24][28]

A simpler version of the Master Sword appears in the 2001 game duo The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. The trademark features of the sword are not easily identified in these games due to the simplified in-game sprites. In the Oracle games, the Master Sword appears as a blue pixel sword.[8] It diverges from the typical traits seen in other versions of the Master Sword, as it is found in a different location to the rest of the Zelda timeline and is breakable.[28]

In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002) the Master Sword appears with a slightly different shape and design. In this storyline, Link finds the Master Sword inside the sunken Hyrule Castle. The sword blocks Ganondorf's magical powers and freezes time around the castle. When the blade is removed from its pedestal, it restores the life of Ganondorf's minions. Ganondorf's magic is also restored and the Master Sword loses its power to repel evil. The game involves Link seeking out two new sages to replenish the fading power of the sword. Once its magic has been restored, Link can destroy a magic barrier to Ganon's Tower. Eventually, Link destroys Ganondorf by plunging the Master Sword into his forehead and turning him to stone.[28][7]

The Master Sword appears again in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006). In the storyline, Link must seek out its resting place deep in Faron Woods in the Sacred Grove, where the pedestal is located in the ruined Temple of Time. Link must retrieve the sword as it is the only way to break the magic of Zant, which has turned him into a wolf. When Link returns to the Sacred Grove, he uses the sword to open a path to a time before the Temple of Time was ruined. The sword is upgraded by infusing it with the light of the Sols, which makes it powerful against twilit creatures and gives it the ability to clear Dark Fog. At the end of the game the Master Sword is finally used to kill Ganondorf.[28][7]

In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2011), the Master Sword plays a central role in Link's journey to defeat the main antagonist, Demon King Demise and prove himself as the hero. The plot charts the weapon's transition from the Goddess Sword into the Master Sword. Link descends to the surface from Skyloft to obtain the Triforce and defeat Demon King Demise. He uses three Sacred Flames to transform the Goddess Sword into the Master Sword and then seals Demise inside the sword by placing it on its pedestal, which causes Demise to vow revenge. In Zelda story chronology, this act is the beginning of the endless cycle that places Zelda and Link in opposition to Ganon in all other Zelda titles. Following this, the humans are free to descend to the surface and establish the kingdom of Hyrule.[29]

In The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013), which is a successor to A Link to the Past, Link must retrieve the Master Sword from its pedestal in the Lost Woods after collecting three Pendants of Virtue. He must then rescue the Seven Sages and Princess Zelda, before saving Hyrule from Ganon. In the process, Link pursues the evil sorcerer Yuga, who transforms his victims into paintings. He meets Princess Hilda in the kingdom of Lorule, who informs him that the power of the Triforce almost destroyed her kingdom. Hilda and Yuga make a plan together to steal the Triforce from Hyrule and resurrect Ganon.[30] During the game, the Master Sword is upgraded by blacksmiths in Hyrule and Lorule after Link collects master ore from various locations, making it a more powerful weapon.[31]

The Master Sword makes a prominent appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017). As Link travels through Hyrule, he has the option of obtaining the sword once he is strong enough to pull it from its stone.[32] In the storyline, Link must travel to Korok Forest and speak with the Great Deku Tree to retrieve the sword from the location where Zelda has left it for safe keeping.[33] It appears heavily rusted after being used in battle against Calamity Ganon 100 years before the events of the game.[1] After successfully retrieving the Master Sword, the player is given the opportunity to tackle one of the end game challenges named "The Trial of the Sword", which is aimed at advanced players.[32] Upon successfully completing all of the levels, the player is bestowed with the additional advantage of the Master Sword being indefinitely powered up, so that it does not need to be recharged.[34]

Other media


The Master Sword has made appearances in various other video games. Link appears with the Master Sword as a playable character in the original 1999 Super Smash Bros.[35] In Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Link also appears as a playable character in eight different costumes that include the Master Sword and Hylian Shield.[36] The Master Sword has also made an appearance in Animal Crossing games and Soulcaliber II.[37][38] In Nintendo Land, players can wield the Master Sword as part of The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest.[39] Link makes a cameo appearance with the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield in Scribblenauts Unlimited.[40] In Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta is able to use the Master Sword after equipping Link's costume.[41] In the racing game Mario Kart 8, the Master Sword was introduced with Link in the first DLC.[42] It also makes an appearance in the Hyrule Circuit as a statue inside the castle.[43] It is also obtainable as gear alongside the Hylian Shield in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.[44] The Master Sword was also introduced in Super Mario Maker 2 with a Zelda update in 2019. The sword transforms Mario into Link and bestows a range of special abilities.[45]

In the hack and slash video game Hyrule Warriors (2014), the Master Sword appears as a prominent weapon. Link can use it in battle alongside the Hylian Shield, and after completing certain tasks, the sword has the capability of emitting the sword beam.[28] The storyline centres on Link and his allies battling against the antagonist Cia and various other villains.[46]

In Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (2020), Link is able to use the Master Sword throughout the game after defeating an antagonist named Astor and retrieving the blade from its pedestal. Once obtained, Link is able to power up the sword by fusing other weapons into it. The fully maxed out Master Sword then unlocks an additional attack called the Sword Beam that attacks enemies from a distance.[3]

The Master Sword has also been featured prominently in Zelda-related media, including books and other merchandise.[47][48]


File:Link With Master Sword Super Smash Bros.png
Link (as he appears in Breath of the Wild) holding the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. These two components have become integral aspects of the character's identity.[49]

Since its introduction in The Legend of Zelda series, the Master Sword has become a recognisable image in video gaming. Due to its popularity, the sword has been the subject of various works of fan art.[50] It has been recreated in the form of fan-made replicas and also as a functioning weapon.[51][52]

Over the course of the series, the sword has become an integral aspect of Link's identity, both visually and in terms of the character's development. It has been recreated by fans alongside the Hylian Shield as part of Link's signature costume for cosplay.[53] Nintendo Power listed the Master Sword as one of the best weapons in gaming, citing that it is more than just a powerful sword, but also integral to Link's adventures and development as a character.[54] Writing for Paste, Khee Hoon Chan commented on the significance of the Master Sword in the narrative of the Zelda storyline, stating, "There are few scenes in entertainment as iconic as the image of young Link pulling the Master Sword from its pedestal, a virtual, modern retelling of The Sword and the Stone. More than just a weapon, the Master Sword came to be a symbol of Link's destiny, sealing him to the split timeline dividing the fate of Hyrule in the Legend of Zelda series."[55]

The sword has received mixed comments with regards to its performance in gameplay. Sam Skopp for Looper highlighted the impracticality of the Master Sword in gameplay, noting that this is, "not the result of its physical design, but rather how it manifests throughout the Zelda franchise". He continued by explaining that due to the prolonged quest lines in A Link to the Past and in Breath of the Wild, the Master Sword is "an impractical thing to obtain in the first place".[56] Stephen Lagioia writing for Screen Rant highlighted the strengths of the Master Sword in the gameplay of Breath of the Wild stating, "While there are in fact stronger weapons in the game, it's hard to find a weapon that's all-around efficient as Link's iconic Master Sword. The perk of it never breaking gives it immense added value on its own, even when factoring in its 10-minute recharge. Add its attack power of 30 (which doubles when facing Calamity foes) and the Master Sword is a surefire pick."[57] Avery Lawrence Feyrer for TheGamer chose the Master Sword as the most powerful weapon in video game history, ranking it above the Blue shell from Mario Kart, and describing it as, "arguably the most iconic weapon in video game history, and the most powerful."[58]

Several critics have highlighted the impact and legacy of the weapon within gaming. The Master Sword was ranked as one of "The Coolest Swords Ever Seen in a Video Game" by Ron Whitaker for The Escapist magazine, who commented, "the Master Sword doesn't look all that special. It's not that big, it doesn't have flames rising from it, and it doesn't look all that intimidating. But in the hands of the right person, it can save the world."[59] Whitaker also listed it as one of the most iconic video game weapons stating, "It has the ability to repel evil, and in Ocarina of Time, it can be used to travel through time. In A Link to the Past, Link can even upgrade the sword to make it even more powerful. It’s appeared in several other games, been created by swordsmiths and cosplayers alike, just as you would expect for such an iconic weapon."[60] IGN staff consider the Master Sword to be the greatest or most iconic video game weapon of all time,[61][62] and the act of pulling it out in Ocarina of Time the most unforgettable video game moment of all time.[63] Destin Legarie from IGN wrote, "This beautiful sword is an icon to gamers everywhere, as well as an instantly recognizable item of central importance in the Zelda franchise. Sure, there have been plenty of great weapons and items in The Legend of Zelda series, but only the Master Sword has endured since the days of A Link to the Past. Each story since the Super Nintendo entry has been crafted around Link's quest to obtain this legendary blade."[62]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Fontes, Renan. Breath Of The Wild: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Master Sword's Past. Game Rant. 2020-08-04 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
  2. ^ Hogeweg, Stan. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - How The Master Sword Was Made. Game Rant. 2021-06-05 [2021-09-22] (美国英语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Fontes, Renan. Age of Calamity: 10 Pro Tips To Making An Overpowered Master Sword. TheGamer. 2021-01-23 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Reynolds, Matthew. Zelda: Breath of the Wild Master Sword - location of the legendary weapon and how to complete The Hero's Sword. Eurogamer. 2018-03-02 [2021-09-21] (英语). 
  5. ^ How To Get The Master Sword In The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. Nintendo Insider. 2017-03-16 [2021-09-22] (英国英语). 
  6. ^ Fox, Glen. Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition - All Weapons And How To Unlock Them. Nintendo Life. 2020-09-15 [2021-09-22] (英国英语). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Gratton, Kyle. The Legend of Zelda: The Master Sword's Magic Powers, Explained. ScreenRant. 2021-08-29 [2021-09-22] (美国英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Creswell, Jacob. Zelda: The Master Sword's Most Important Variations. CBR. 2021-07-26 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Boisvert, Lauren. These Are The Best Weapons For Link In Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity. Looper.com. 2020-12-02 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
  10. ^ Serrano, Ryan. Nintendo Arsenal: The Legend of Zelda's Master Sword, Explained. CBR. 2020-08-31 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Nintendo. The Legend Of Zelda Encyclopedia. 2018-06-19: 82–83. 
  12. ^ Peterson, Cody. The Best Weapons For Link in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. ScreenRant. 2020-11-26 [2021-09-22] (美国英语). 
  13. ^ May 2017, Shabana Arif 07. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild unbreakable / high durability weapons and shield locations. gamesradar. 2017-05-07 [2021-09-22] (英语). 
  14. ^ Barder, Ollie. The Trial Of The Sword In 'Zelda: Breath Of The Wild' Is Actually Pretty Great. Forbes. [2021-09-23] (英语). 
  15. ^ Wilhelm, Daley. The Entire Breath Of The Wild Story Explained. SVG.com. 2019-09-19 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
  16. ^ Kurland, Daniel. The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Things About The Master Sword That Make No Sense. Game Rant. 2020-10-24 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
  17. ^ Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Nintendo. September 24, 1992. Excalibur retrouvera, préservant la pureté de la lignée des Chevaliers. 
  18. ^ Mabinogion. www.mabinogion.info. 
  19. ^ Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. GameCube. Nintendo. May 2, 2003. Il s'agit d'Excalibur, l'épée qui lutte contre les forces maléfiques. 
  20. ^ Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. GameCube/Wii. Nintendo. December 8, 2006. Zelda: En cet endroit secret repose Excalibur, l'épée pourfendeuse du mal forgée par les sages des temps anciens. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Byrd, Matthew. Why The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Is an Awkward Origin Story. Den of Geek. 2021-07-15 [2021-09-20] (美国英语). 
  22. ^ Vito Oddo, Marco. 'Skyward Sword' Ending Explained: And So 'The Legend of Zelda' Begins. Collider. 2021-07-20 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
  23. ^ Vazquez, Suriel. Skyward Sword HD proves we didn't need a generation of motion controls. Polygon. 2021-07-14 [2021-09-21] (英语). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Gratton, Kyle. The Legend of Zelda: The Master Sword's Magic Powers, Explained. ScreenRant. 2021-08-29 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
  25. ^ Littlechild, Chris. A Step By Step Guide To Upgrading The Master Sword In A Link To The Past. Game Rant. 2020-09-29 [2021-09-24] (美国英语). 
  26. ^ The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Instruction Manual (PDF). Nintendo. [24 September 2021]. 
  27. ^ Scullion, Chris. How A Link to the Past paved the way for the future of Zelda. gamesradar. 2016-11-21 [2021-09-24] (英语). 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Christopher, Michael. Zelda: Every Appearance of the Master Sword, Ranked. TheGamer. 2020-10-02 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
  29. ^ Gratton, Kyle. Zelda: Who Put The Master Sword In The Stone?. ScreenRant. 2021-04-14 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
  30. ^ Tieryas, Peter. A Link Between Worlds Is Still A Zelda Like No Other. Kotaku Australia. 2020-07-16 [2021-09-27] (澳大利亚英语). 
  31. ^ Wilson, Tony. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Master Ore locations guide. gamesradar. 2013-11-22 [2021-09-27] (英语). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 McFerran, Damien. Zelda: Breath Of The Wild: How To Get The Master Sword. Nintendo Life. 2020-04-08 [2021-09-21] (英国英语). 
  33. ^ Grice, Lisa. How BOTW 2 Could Benefit From Romance Between Link & Zelda. ScreenRant. 2021-07-08 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
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  35. ^ Baird, Scott. 10 Smash Bros. Characters Who Are Overpowered (And 10 Who Are Completely Worthless). ScreenRant. 2018-12-07 [2021-09-24] (美国英语). 
  36. ^ Smith Jr., Donnie. Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Where Each Of Link's Alt Costumes Come From. ScreenRant. 2021-08-23 [2021-09-21] (美国英语). 
  37. ^ Corbett, Noelle. Animal Crossing: It's Time for the Nintendo Items to Return. CBR. 2020-08-12 [2021-09-22] (美国英语). 
  38. ^ Rinyu, John. 10 Best Swords in The Legend of Zelda Series, Ranked. Game Rant. 2020-09-16 [2021-09-23] (美国英语). 
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Category:Magical objects Category:The Legend of Zelda Category:Fictional swords Category:Fictional elements introduced in 1991 Category:Video game items