

基礎條目 科里奧利力屬於維基百科自然科學主題的基礎條目擴展。請勇於更新頁面以及改進條目。
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這一節的配圖是怎麼回事?加個圖片註解吧? (留言) 2009年10月17日 (六) 17:18 (UTC)[回覆]



旋渦的方向應該是取決於出水口的方向,科氏力的影響很少,我在香港和台灣也看過順時針旋渦的馬桶。--Wrightbus 16:28 2005年5月18日 (UTC)

同意。Tevatron 14:57 2005年5月20日 (UTC)

我也發現這個問題了,拍照片的時候是一大早晨,半睡半醒拍完也沒仔細想。晚上在廁所里洗澡,一邊洗一邊覺得蹊蹺,那個洗臉池子出水和馬桶不一樣,這才意識到是馬桶有問題汗啊--雪鴞◎海德薇 (talk) 看看雪鴞 13:44 2005年6月28日 (UTC)

Draining bathtubs/toilets A popular misconception is that the Coriolis effect determines the direction in which bathtubs or toilets drain, and that water always drains in one direction in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the other direction in the Southern Hemisphere. This myth has perhaps been perpetuated by the Simpsons episode "Bart Vs. Australia," in which protagonist Bart Simpson has a young Australian boy confirm that his toilet water in the Southern Hemisphere spins in the opposite direction from Bart's own in the Northern Hemisphere. The myth is also propagated by the plethora of websites claiming that this fallacy is true[1]. Strangely, many of these sites claim that drain water spins clockwise north of the equator, and counterclockwise south of it, which is reversed from direction of spin that would result from the Coriolis force, if it were a determining factor.

In reality, the Coriolis effect is a few orders of magnitude smaller than various random influences on drain direction, such as the geometry of the sink, toilet, or tub, and the direction in which water was initially added to it. Most toilets flush in only one direction, because the toilet water flows into the bowl at an angle. If you shot water into the toilet basin from the opposite direction, the water would spin in the opposite direction[2].

This is less of a puzzle once one remembers that the Earth rotates once per day but that a bathtub takes only minutes (and a toilet only seconds) to drain. When the water is being drawn towards the drain, the radius with which it is spinning around it decreases, so its rate of rotation increases from the low background level to a noticeable spin in order to conserve its angular momentum (the same effect as ice skaters bringing their arms in to cause them to spin faster).[1]Natasha2006 21:00 2007年4月12日 (UTC)



科里奧利力並不是一個力,而是地球自轉產生的一種效果,稱為科里奧利效應(英文維基為en:Coriolis effect,其中有關於科里奧利力和科里奧利效應的描述)是否更嚴謹一些?—陽光遐想 (留言) 2008年9月23日 (二) 12:32 (UTC)[回覆]

沒事兒,科里奧利「力」的「力」是慣性力的意思。百家姓之四 討論 2009年6月30日 (二) 01:39 (UTC)[回覆]



我要把末尾的「世界洋流」模板刪除了,因為洋流和科里奧利力直接相關程度不是很大。-- (留言) 2009年8月18日 (二) 14:44 (UTC)[回覆]




  1. ^ 漆安慎、杜嬋英. 《力学》(第二版). 高等教育出版社. 2005: 89,90. ISBN 978-7-04-016624-8. 

---以上整段從條目移動至討論--Mahengrui1留言2023年4月4日 (二) 04:54 (UTC)[回覆]



據我經歷,大陸上也通用「科氏力」--Mahengrui1留言2023年4月4日 (二) 05:10 (UTC)[回覆]