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類型 支線民航飛機
原產國 荷蘭
製造商 福克公司
首飛 1985年10月28日
起役日期 1987年
狀態 已停產,服役中
主要用戶 阿瑪波拉航空英語Amapola Flyg
向天快運英語Skyward Express
卡倫航空英語Karun Airlines
聯盟航空英語Alliance Airlines
生產年份 1985年–1997年
製造數量 213架
單位成本 $1750萬美元
發展自 福克F27
Fokker 50 / Fokker 60
Fokker 50 of CityJet
類型 Airliner
原產國 Netherlands
製造商 Fokker
首飛 28 December 1985
起役日期 1987
狀態 Out of production, in service
主要用戶 Amapola Flyg
Skyward International
Karun Airlines
Alliance Airlines
生產年份 1985 – 1997
製造數量 213
單位成本 US$17.5 million
發展自 Fokker F27


1980年代早期,福克公司因F27飛機的銷量下降而發展了福克50。福克50被設計為其前任飛機的衍生型號,共用大部分機身和設計特點,但同時加入新技術和數項改進,包括安裝普拉特&惠特尼加拿大PW127B英語Pratt & Whitney Canada PW100渦輪螺旋槳發動機,這樣可以較F27降低30%油耗。


The Fokker 50 is a turboprop-powered airliner, designed as a refinement of and successor to the highly successful Fokker F27 Friendship. The Fokker 60 is a stretched freighter version of the Fokker 50. Both aircraft were manufactured and supported by Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker.

The Fokker 50 was developed during the early 1980s following a decline in the sales of the company's earlier F27 Friendship. It was decided that the new airliner would be a derivative of its predecessor, sharing much of its airframe and design features, while incorporating new advances and several improvements, such as the adoption of Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127B turboprop engines, in order to produce a successor that had a 30 per cent reduction in fuel consumption over the F27.

The Fokker 50 performed its maiden flight on 28 December 1985, and entered revenue service during 1987. The Fokker 60 has been operated by the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF), ex-RNLAF aircraft are also in service with the Peruvian Naval Aviation and the Republic of China's Air Force.








Fokker 50


By the early 1980s, the Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker, who had identified that sales of the Fokker F27 Friendship, a turboprop-powered airliner which had been in continual production since 1958, were beginning to decline.[1] Accordingly, the company decided to conduct a series of design studies for follow-up products to the key elements of their existing product line, these being the centered around the F27 and the Fokker F28 Fellowship jet airliner. In November 1983, Fokker decided to commence simultaneous work on two development projects to develop a pair of new airliners - these being the Fokker 100, which was to succeed the F28, and the Fokker 50, which was the successor to the F27.[1] The Fokker 50 programme suffered some delays, leading to the first aircraft being delivered more than a year following the final F27 delivery.[1]

福克50結合了對F27進行的各種修正和改進。[1]通過結合這些修改,並安裝更新的普拉特&惠特尼加拿大PW127B英語Pratt & Whitney Canada PW100渦輪螺旋槳發動機,福克將飛機的油耗逐步降低了30%。福克50相比F27的主要進步還包括在生產過程中採用更新的螺旋槳設計,提高複合材料的應用比例,機翼設計調整和更高的駕駛艙自動化水平。[1]

The Fokker 50 was basically an amalgamation of various refinements and improvements which had been made to the design of the F27 Friendship.[1] As a result of these modifications, such as the adoption of Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127B turboprop engines, Fokker was able to progressively reduce the F27's fuel consumption by 30 per cent. Various different propeller designs were adopted over timespan of the aircraft's production, while an increasing proportion of composite materials were used in the airframe, adjustments to the wing design, and a higher degree of cockpit automation were areas of major advances of the Fokker 50 over its predecessor.[1]

福克與數家公司合作生產了福克50的部分部件,包括由比利時SABCA生產機翼,由法國達梭航太製造機身分段,由德國梅塞施密特-伯爾科-布洛姆英語Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm製造襟翼、副翼和背鰭,由日本富士重工業製造方向舵和升降舵,並由印度印度斯坦航空有限公司製造水平安定面。[1]福克50共有兩架原型機,但仍使用F27的機身,第一架原型機於1985年12月28日首飛。但第一架生產型飛機直至1987年2月才首飛。1987年5月15日,福克50通過荷蘭航空管理當局皇家航空服務部門荷蘭語Rijksluchtvaartdienst荷蘭語Rijksluchtvaartdienst,RLD)認證取得型號合格證。第一架生產型飛機隨即於當年8月交付給德國航空運輸有限公司(德語:Deutsche Luftverkehrsgesellschaft mbH,簡稱DLT)。DLT與澳洲安捷航空是福克50的啟動客戶。

Fokker partnered with several companies to manufacture portions of the Fokker 50; these included the wing being produced by Belgian aerospace firm SABCA, fuselage sections made by French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation, flaps and other components manufactured by German aerospace company Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB), and vertical stabilizers and horizontal stabilizers built by Japanese multinational corporation Fuji Heavy Industries.[1] A pair of prototypes, derived from F27 airframes, were produced; on 28 December 1985, the first of these prototypes performed its maiden flight.[3] In 1987, certification of the Fokker 50 by the Dutch aviation authority RLD was successfully completed, and the first production aircraft was subsequently delivered to German airline DLT Luftverkehrsgesellschaft mbH (DLT). DLT and Ansett Airlines of Australia served as the airliner's launch customers.




Termination and further development

Fokker 50 airliners being assembled, August 1987

During 1994, Fokker had been incurring sizable losses on its operations, which led to cuts in the output of the Fokker 50 and threatened its long term viability.[12] During early 1995, the firm embarked upon a major restructuring programme, including efforts to renegotiate prices with its suppliers, in what was viewed by aerospace publication Flight International as a last-ditch effort to save the company in its current form.[13][14] By July 1995, Fokker was in negotiations with the Dutch government over the terms for a potential bailout of the company as losses continued to mount.[15][16] Fokker's owner, Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG (DASA), had agreed to provide a rescue deal for the company, but this was contingent upon Dutch government participation.[17]


In March 1996, production of the Fokker 50 was terminated as a consequence of Fokker itself having been forced into a state of bankruptcy.[19][20] The financial difficulties suffered by the firm had been in part caused by the massive cost overruns which had been incurred on both the Fokker 50 and Fokker 100, as well as due to intense competition within the regional airliner sector that Fokker had designed and marketed these aircraft towards, which had not been helped by delays to the program in the face of multiple modern competitors in the form of the Saab 340, ATR 42 and Bombardier Dash 8. Despite repeated increases cost-efficiency of production realised within the final 12 months of production, these did not prove enough to save the company.[21]


During 1997, as a result of the company having entered into liquidation, the final Fokker 50 aircraft was delivered that year. By the end of the program, a total of 213 Fokker 50s had been completed.[26] As early as May 1996, proposals for the partial or complete restart of production of the type were mooted, amongst these being interest from Indian aerospace firm Hindustan Aeronautics Limited in establishing a Fokker 50 assembly line in India, however these did not come about.[27][28][29]

1996年,福克服務公司成立。其持有福克50的型號合格證,為此機型的用戶提供全面支持與服務,包括培訓、後勤支持、維護、改裝和工程服務。[30]至2006年8月,仍有171架福克50在航空公司運行,主要用戶包括VLM航空英語VLM Airlines(20架)、天路快運英語Skyways (airline)(18架)、德尼姆航空英語Denim Air(12架)和哥倫比亞航空(10架 )[31]

In 1996, Fokker Services was established; holding the type certificate for the Fokker 50, the organisation provides comprehensive support and services to operators of the type, including training, logistics support, maintenance, modification, and engineering services.[32] By August 2006, a total of 171 Fokker 50 aircraft remained within airline service; major operators included: Avianca (10), Denim Air (12), Skyways Express (18) and VLM Airlines (20). Some 27 other airlines including Air Astana also operated smaller numbers of the type.[33] Between March 2013 and September 2014, a pair of Fokker 50s were based at EHLE Lelystad airport in their Royal Netherlands Air Force livery; both aircraft had been purchased by the Peruvian Navy and were subsequently transferred.[34]




2005年,作為荷蘭皇家海軍削減預算而決定退役P-3獵戶座的臨時解決方案,兩架福克60被改裝為反潛機[37][38]這兩架飛機在庫拉索哈投空軍基地駐紮了兩年,然後於2007年10月被龐巴迪Dash-8反潛機所替換。由於荷蘭皇家空軍決定額外2架C-130運輸機,所有福克60因而退役。[39]福克60隨後全部被存儲在翁斯德雷赫特空軍基地英語Woensdrecht Air Base,並於2010年被秘魯海軍航空隊英語Peruvian Naval Aviation購買。[40]兩架反潛機於2010年6月8日交付,未改裝的兩架運輸機於2010年12月3日交付。[38][41]

Fokker 60

Fokker 60 of the Royal Netherlands Air Force

The Fokker 60 is stretched version of the Fokker 50, being 1.62 m (5.31 ft) longer for a total length of 26.87 m (88.16 ft).[42] It featured a large cargo door on the right side, immediately behind the cockpit, for loading/unloading. Only four examples of the Fokker 60 were ever completed, all of which were delivered to the Royal Netherlands Air Force. All of them were part of 334 Squadron based at Eindhoven Airport. The type was typically used to transport equipment and soldiers, while it was occasionally used for paradrop operations as well.

Another 60 were under construction, but ultimately never completed due to Fokker's bankruptcy. In 2005, a pair of Fokker 60s (U-01, U-03) were converted to serve as maritime patrol aircraft as a temporary solution when it was decided to phase out the Royal Netherlands Navy P-3 Orions as a result of budget cuts. For two years, these aircraft were stationed at Hato AB Curaçao prior to their replacement in the form of civil-operated Bombardier DHC-8 aircraft in October 2007. Due to the Royal Netherlands Air Force having decided to procure two extra Lockheed C-130s, the Fokker 60s were phased out. All four Fokker 60 that were stored at Woensdrecht Air Base were sold to the Peruvian Naval Aviation, the first two planes were delivered on 8 June 2010 and the second batch of two planes were delivered at the end of 2010.



福克50由兩台普拉特&惠特尼加拿大PW100英語Pratt & Whitney Canada PW100渦輪螺旋槳發動機驅動。福克50有許多結構源於福克F27,特別是經過加長的F27-500型,其機身、機翼和尾翼的基本結構除去需求加強的各個部分外基本保持不變。福克50的機體廣泛應用了複合材料、熱粘合結構和防腐蝕處理。[30]福克50相較F27進行了數項改動,包括副翼外側和翼梢上翹以起到與翼梢小翼類似的作用,福克公司將其暱稱為「Foklets」;機身安裝了更密間距的較小窗戶;前起落架修改為無搖臂雙輪布局。[43]引用錯誤:<ref>標籤的name屬性不能是單一的數字


Cockpit of a Fokker 50

The Fokker 50 is a twin turboprop-powered airliner. It was based on the earlier highly successful Fokker F27 Friendship, specifically the stretched F27-500 model. Structurally, the Fokker 50 owes much to the F27; basic construction of the fuselage, wings and empennage, which made extensive use of composite materials, hot-bonded structures and anti-corrosion treatments, remained mainly unchanged between the two aircraft apart from the strengthening of various sections where required.[32] There were some changes made to specific areas of the aircraft, such as the wing being equipped with upturned ailerons and wingtips that effectively acted as wing endplates or winglets, it was also fitted with a larger number of smaller windows in the fuselage and a new two-wheel nose gear configuration, the latter enabling stable operations under uneven crosswind conditions.[32]

福克50相較F27的另一項重大改動是其所使用的發動機。F27使用羅爾斯-羅伊斯飛鏢發動機英語Rolls-Royce Dart驅動其各個改型,而福克50改用燃油經濟性更佳的普拉特&惠特尼加拿大PW100發動機,驅動直徑12英尺(3.7公尺)的道蒂·羅托英語Dowty Rotol6葉螺旋槳。使用直徑更大的低速螺旋槳與安裝減震器使福克50無需主動噪音控制系統就可以使客艙平均噪音達到77分貝,低於許多支線飛機和渦輪螺旋槳飛機。[30]引用錯誤:<ref>標籤的name屬性不能是單一的數字[44]

Perhaps the most major design change from the preceding Fokker F27 was the choice of engines used for the Fokker 50. The original Rolls-Royce Dart turboprop engines that had powered various marks of the F27, which had broadly provided between 1,268-1715 kW (1,700-2,300 hp), were replaced by a pair of more fuel efficient Pratt & Whitney Canada PW124 powerplants, each capable of generating 1,864 kW (2,500 hp), which drove sets of six-bladed Dowty Rotol propellers. These slow-turning propellers, along with other measures such as vibration absorbers, eliminate the need for active noise control systems while providing an average cabin noise level of 77 dBs.[32]


The Fokker 50, unlike the F27, was furnished with a glass cockpit which incorporated an electronic flight instrument system and an automatic flight control system, the latter being certified for conducting Cat II approaches.[32] The flying controls include a unique single lever that is capable of controlling both engine power and actuating the variable-pitch propellers, reducing complexity and pilot workload. The cockpit also features a three-stage integrated alerting system that issues warnings to the flying crew.[32]


福克50可以運載62名乘客以286節([convert: 不明單位])的典型巡航速度飛行10801,080海里(2,000公里),比福克F27快2727節([convert: 不明單位])。典型客艙布局可布置46-56個座椅,包括頭頂行李架和相對較寬的中央過道。飛機配備有4個1型艙門,左前艙門與登機梯一體。[30]引用錯誤:<ref>標籤的name屬性不能是單一的數字

Head-on view of a Fokker 50

The Fokker 50 can carry up to 62 passengers over a range of 1,080 nm (1,243 mi, 2,000 km ) at a typical speed of 286 knots (530 km/h 329 mph), a 27  knots (31 mph, 50 km/h) increase over the Fokker F27. Typical passenger seating arrangements range from 46-56 passengers, which includes overhead bins and a relatively wide central aisle.[32] The airliner features a total of 4 external doors along with integral airstairs, which enables quicker turnaround times through the faster egress and boarding of passengers and crew alike. Features such as an auxiliary power unit (APU), new generation slim seating and LED lighting in the cabin are also available as options and can be retrofitted to existing aircraft based upon customer demand.[32]

The Fokker 50 is capable of using the majority of airports worldwide, including operations from unpaved surfaces, and has been described as possessing "first-rate short field performance" and capable of performing steep approaches to access airports such as London City Airport.[32] The type has typically been marketed toward replacing older commuter and regional airliners in the 19-50 seat range.[32] Although of possessing a design heavily dependent upon a previous generation of airliners, the Fokker 50 has often been highly appreciated by owners and pilots alike for its reliability, economics and flight characteristics. According to Fokker Services, the Fokker 50 possesses relatively low operational costs per trip and attributes this to its low maintenance costs, high reliability, competitive support.[32]

  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Eriksson and Steenhuis 2015, p. 44. 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「erik steen 44」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  2. ^ Eriksson and Steenhuis 2015, pp. 44-45.
  3. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為AN的參考文獻提供內容
  4. ^ Flight Global. Fokker losses hit record. [2019-12-01]. 
  5. ^ Flight Global. Fokker slashes costs in new restructuring plan. [2019-12-01]. 
  6. ^ Flight Global. Fokker in capital crisis as losses rise mount. [2019-12-02]. 
  7. ^ Flight Global. DASA stands by ailing Fokker. 
  8. ^ Flight Global. Fokker submits its bail-out plan to Dutch Government. [2019-12-02]. 
  9. ^ UPI. Daimler ends funding of Dutch Fokker. [2019-12-02]. 
  10. ^ Flight Global. A brief history of Fokker https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/a-brief-history-of-fokker-17503/. [2019-12-02].  缺少或|title=為空 (幫助)
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Flight Global. Fokker bankrupt. [2019-12-02]. 
  12. ^ "Fokker losses hit record." Flight International, 22 March 1995.
  13. ^ O'Toole, Kevin. "Fokker slashes costs in new restructuring plan." Flight International, 8 March 1995.
  14. ^ "Fokker plans new Indian link." Flight International, 17 May 1995.
  15. ^ O'Toole, Kevin. "Fokker in capital crisis as losses rise mount." Flight International, 12 July 1995.
  16. ^ Jeziorski, Andrzej. "Fokker submits its bail-out plan to Dutch Government." Flight International, 13 September 1995.
  17. ^ Jeziorski, Andrzej. "DASA stands by ailing Fokker." Flight International, 3 January 1996.
  18. ^ Flight Global. Fokker's future hangs in balance. [2019-12-02]. 
  19. ^ "Fokker's future hangs in balance." Flight International, 1 March 1996.
  20. ^ O'Toole, Kevin. "Fokker bankrupt." Flight International, 20 March 1996.
  21. ^ Eriksson and Steenhuis 2015, pp. 45-46, 55.
  22. ^ Fokker F50 / F60 Production List. Planespotters. [2019-12-02]. 
  23. ^ Kevin O'Toole. Fokkers could be back in production. Flight International. 1996-05-15 [2019-12-02]. 
  24. ^ HAL considers taking over assembly of Fokker 50. Flight International. 1996-12-18 [2019-12-02]. 
  25. ^ Fokker hopes focus on Malaysian rescue. Flight International. 1997-02-26 [2019-12-02]. 
  26. ^ Eriksson and Steenhuis 2015, pp. 45-46.
  27. ^ O'Toole, Kevin. "Fokkers could be back in production." Flight International, 15 May 1996.
  28. ^ "HAL considers taking over assembly of Fokker 50." Flight International, 18 December 1996.
  29. ^ "Fokker hopes focus on Malaysian rescue." Flight International, 26 February 1997.
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 Fokker services. FLYFokker_Fokker_50_Leaflet_2 (PDF). [2019-12-02]. 
  31. ^ Flight International, 3–9 October 2006.
  32. ^ 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 "Fokker 50: Top quality, cost-effective turboprop." Fokker Services, February 2014.
  33. ^ Flight International, 3–9 October 2006.
  34. ^ "Peruvian Navy buys surplus Dutch F50s." Flight International, Retrieved on 19 September 2014.
  35. ^ Fokker 60 delivery date set (PDF). Flight International. [2019-12-03]. 
  36. ^ Fokker 60 (PDF). Flight International. [2019-12-03]. 
  37. ^ Dutch fokkers. Flight International. 2004-06-29 [2019-12-03]. 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Peruvian navy gets last two Fokker 60s from Netherlands. Flight International. 2010-12-15 [2019-12-03]. 
  39. ^ Joan le Poole. RNLAF Fokker 50s to Peruvian Navy. [2019-12-03]. 
  40. ^ Anno Gravemaker. Peru snaps up stored Dutch maritime patrol aircraft. Flight International. 2010-03-16 [2019-12-03]. 
  41. ^ Jorge Riveros. Peru's Navy incorporates two Fokker 60 aircraft. 2010-12-20 [2019-12-03]. 
  42. ^ Eriksson and Steenhuis 2015, p. 45.
  43. ^ 1986 - 0633 (PDF). Flight International. [2019-12-04]. 
  44. ^ 1988 - 1553 (PDF). Flight International. [2019-12-04].