


铊 81Tl
氢(非金属) 氦(惰性气体)
锂(碱金属) 铍(碱土金属) 硼(类金属) 碳(非金属) 氮(非金属) 氧(非金属) 氟(卤素) 氖(惰性气体)
钠(碱金属) 镁(碱土金属) 铝(贫金属) 矽(类金属) 磷(非金属) 硫(非金属) 氯(卤素) 氩(惰性气体)
钾(碱金属) 钙(碱土金属) 钪(过渡金属) 钛(过渡金属) 钒(过渡金属) 铬(过渡金属) 锰(过渡金属) 铁(过渡金属) 钴(过渡金属) 镍(过渡金属) 铜(过渡金属) 锌(过渡金属) 镓(贫金属) 锗(类金属) 砷(类金属) 硒(非金属) 溴(卤素) 氪(惰性气体)
铷(碱金属) 锶(碱土金属) 钇(过渡金属) 锆(过渡金属) 铌(过渡金属) 钼(过渡金属) 𨱏(过渡金属) 钌(过渡金属) 铑(过渡金属) 钯(过渡金属) 银(过渡金属) 镉(过渡金属) 铟(贫金属) 锡(贫金属) 锑(类金属) 碲(类金属) 碘(卤素) 氙(惰性气体)
铯(碱金属) 钡(碱土金属) 镧(镧系元素) 铈(镧系元素) 镨(镧系元素) 钕(镧系元素) 钷(镧系元素) 钐(镧系元素) 铕(镧系元素) 钆(镧系元素) 铽(镧系元素) 镝(镧系元素) 钬(镧系元素) 铒(镧系元素) 铥(镧系元素) 镱(镧系元素) 镏(镧系元素) 铪(过渡金属) 钽(过渡金属) 钨(过渡金属) 铼(过渡金属) 锇(过渡金属) 铱(过渡金属) 铂(过渡金属) 金(过渡金属) 汞(过渡金属) 铊(贫金属) 铅(贫金属) 铋(贫金属) 钋(贫金属) 砈(类金属) 氡(惰性气体)
鍅(碱金属) 镭(碱土金属) 锕(锕系元素) 钍(锕系元素) 镤(锕系元素) 铀(锕系元素) 錼(锕系元素) 钸(锕系元素) 鋂(锕系元素) 锔(锕系元素) 鉳(锕系元素) 鉲(锕系元素) 鑀(锕系元素) 镄(锕系元素) 钔(锕系元素) 锘(锕系元素) 铹(锕系元素) 𬬻(过渡金属) 𬭊(过渡金属) 𬭳(过渡金属) 𬭛(过渡金属) 𬭶(过渡金属) 鿏(预测为过渡金属) 𫟼(预测为过渡金属) 𬬭(预测为过渡金属) 鿔(过渡金属) 鿭(预测为贫金属) 𫓧(贫金属) 镆(预测为贫金属) 𫟷(预测为贫金属) 鿬(预测为卤素) 鿫(预测为惰性气体)

电子排布[] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1
2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 3
铊的电子层(2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 3)
铊的电子层(2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 3)
11.85 g·cm−3
熔点时液体密度11.22 g·cm−3
熔点577 K,304 °C,579 °F
沸点1746 K,1473 °C,2683 °F
熔化热4.14 kJ·mol−1
汽化热165 kJ·mol−1
比热容26.32 J·mol−1·K−1
压/Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
温/K 882 977 1097 1252 1461 1758
氧化态3, 2, 1
电离能第一:589.4 kJ·mol−1

第二:1971 kJ·mol−1

第三:2878 kJ·mol−1
原子半径170 pm
共价半径145±7 pm
范德华半径196 pm
电阻率(20 °C)0.18 µ Ω·m
热导率46.1 W·m−1·K−1
膨胀系数(25 °C)29.9 µm·m−1·K−1
声速(细棒)(20 °C)818 m·s−1
杨氏模量8 GPa
剪切模量2.8 GPa
体积模量43 GPa
布氏硬度26.4 MPa
同位素 丰度 半衰期t1/2 衰变
方式 能量MeV 产物
203Tl 29.524% 稳定,带122粒中子
204Tl 人造 3.78年 β 0.764 204Pb
ε 0.347 204Hg
205Tl 70.476% 稳定,带124粒中子












201Tl(半衰期73小时)会以电子捕获的方式进行衰变,并释放Hg X射线(约70至80 keV)以及总丰度为10%、能量分别为135和167 keV的光子[5]它既能提供良好的示踪效果,又不会使病人承受过大的辐射剂量,所以是核医学成像的理想示踪剂。它是铊元素核子心脏负荷测试中最常用的同位素。[8]

208Tl(半衰期3.05分钟)是衰变链的自然产物之一。它所释放的2615 keV伽马射线是自然背景辐射中的一大主要高能特征。




氧化态为+3的化合物与相对应的铝(III)化合物相似。它们具有较高的氧化性,如Tl3+ + 3 e → Tl(s)反应的还原电势为+0.72 V。氧化铊(III)是一种黑色固体,在800 °C以上温度会分解,形成氧化铊(I)和氧气[4]









铊(I)单卤化物是稳定的。与大型的Tl +阳离子一致,氯化物和溴化物具有氯化铯结构,而氟化物和碘化物是氯化钠结构的变形。与类似的银化合物一样,氯化铊、溴化铊和碘化铊有感光性[13]。铊(I)化合物的稳定性与13族其他化合物的差别在于:已知铊有稳定的氧化物、氢氧化物和碳酸盐,也有许多硫属化合物存在。[14]

复盐 Tl4(OH)2CO3显示其具有以羟基为中心的铊三角形,在[Tl3(OH)]2+的固态结构中反复出现。[15]






1861年,威廉·克鲁克斯和克洛德-奥古斯特·拉米(Claude-Auguste Lamy)利用火焰光谱法,分别独自发现了铊元素。[16]由于在火焰中发出绿光,所以克鲁克斯提议把它命名为“Thallium”,源自希腊文中的“θαλλός”(thallos),即“绿芽”之意。[17][18]

罗伯特·威廉·本生古斯塔夫·基尔霍夫发表有关改进火焰光谱法的论文,[19]以及在1859至1860年发现元素之后,科学家开始广泛使用火焰光谱法来鉴定矿物和化学物的成份。克鲁克斯用这种新方法判断化合物中是否含有,样本由奥古斯特·霍夫曼数年前交给克鲁克斯,是德国哈茨山上的一座硫酸工厂进行铅室法过程后的产物。[20][21]到了1862年,克鲁克斯能够分离出小部份的新元素,并且对它的一些化合物进行化学分析。[22]拉米所用的光谱仪与克鲁克斯的相似。以黄铁矿作为原料的硫酸生产过程会产生含硒物质,拉米对这一物质进行了光谱分析,同样观察到了绿色谱线,因此推断当中含有新元素。他友人弗雷德·库尔曼(Fréd Kuhlmann)的硫酸工厂能够提供大量的副产品,这为拉米的研究带来了化学样本上的帮助。[23]他判断了多种铊化合物的性质,并通过电解法从铊盐产生了铊金属,再经熔铸后制成了一小块铊金属。





铊在地球地壳中并不属于稀有的物质,含量约为0.7 mg/kg,[27]主要存在于黏土土壤花岗岩中的矿物内。然而在商业上从这些矿物开采铊却并不容易。等重金属硫化矿中含有微量的铊元素,这才是其最大的实际来源。[28][29]












溴化铊碘化铊晶体硬度较高,而且能够透射波长极长的光线,所以是良好的红外线光学材料,商品名为KRS-5和KRS-6。[37]氧化亚铊可用来制造高折射率玻璃,而与结合后,可以制成高密度、低熔点(125至150 °C)玻璃。这种玻璃在室温下特性和普通玻璃相似,耐用、不溶于水,且具有特殊的折射率。[38]






科学家正在进行有关铊高温超导体方面的研究,潜在应用包括磁共振成像发电和电力传输等。这些研究在1988年首个铊钡钙铜氧超导体被发现之后开始。[41]铜酸铊超导体的临界温度超过120 K。一些掺汞的铜酸铊超导体在常压下的临界温度甚至超过130 K,几乎达到已知临界温度最高的铜酸汞超导体。[42]









一种汞铊合金在铊含量为8.5%时形成共晶系统,其熔点为−60 °C,比汞的熔点还要低20 °C。这种合金被用于温度计和低温开关当中。[34]在有机合成方面,铊(III)盐(如三硝酸铊和三乙酸铊)可以为芳香烃酮类烯烃等的转化反应作试剂。[49]铊是海水电池阳极板的合金材料成份之一。[2]可溶铊盐加入镀金液中,可以加快镀金速度和降低镀金层的粒度。[50]

甲酸铊(I)(Tl(CHO2))和丙二酸铊(I)(Tl(C3H3O4))的等量混合水溶液称为克列里奇溶液(Clerici solution,亦称轻重矿分离液)。它是一种无臭液体,颜色会随铊盐浓度的降低而从黄色变为清澈。溶液在20 °C密度为4.25 g/cm3,是已知最重的水溶液之一。人们利用矿物在克列里奇溶液上漂浮的原理,测量各种矿物的密度。然而由于铊的毒性和溶液的腐蚀性,这种方法逐渐被淘汰了。[51][52]








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  62. ^ Malbrain, Manu L. N. G.; Lambrecht, Guy L. Y.; Zandijk, Erik; Demedts, Paul A.; Neels, Hugo M.; Lambert, Willy; De Leenheer, André P.; Lins, Robert L.; Daelemans, Ronny;. Treatment of Severe Thallium Intoxication. Clinical Toxicology. 1997, 35 (1): 97–100. PMID 9022660. doi:10.3109/15563659709001173. 
  63. ^ Factsheet on: Thallium (PDF). US Environmental Protection Agency. [2009-09-15]. 




Characteristics[edit source]


Physical[edit source]


Energy required to promote an f electron to the d subshell for the f-block lanthanides and actinides. Above around 210 kJ/mol, this energy is too high to be provided for by the greater crystal energy of the trivalent state and thus einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium form divalent metals like the lanthanides europium and ytterbium. (Nobelium is also expected to form a divalent metal, but this has not yet been confirmed.)[10] In the periodic table, mendelevium is located to the right of the actinide fermium, to the left of the actinide nobelium, and below the lanthanide thulium. Mendelevium metal has not yet been prepared in bulk quantities, and bulk preparation is currently impossible.[11] Nevertheless, a number of predictions and some preliminary experimental results have been done regarding its properties.[11]

The lanthanides and actinides, in the metallic state, can exist as either divalent (such as europium and ytterbium) or trivalent (most other lanthanides) metals. The former have fnd1s2 configurations, whereas the latter have fn+1s2 configurations. In 1975, Johansson and Rosengren examined the measured and predicted values for the cohesive energies (enthalpies of crystallization) of the metallic lanthanides and actinides, both as divalent and trivalent metals.[12][13] The conclusion was that the increased binding energy of the [Rn]5f126d17s2 configuration over the [Rn]5f137s2 configuration for mendelevium was not enough to compensate for the energy needed to promote one 5f electron to 6d, as is true also for the very late actinides: thus einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, and nobelium were expected to be divalent metals.[12] The increasing predominance of the divalent state well before the actinide series concludes is attributed to the relativistic stabilization of the 5f electrons, which increases with increasing atomic number.[14] Thermochromatographic studies with trace quantities of mendelevium by Zvara and Hübener from 1976 to 1982 confirmed this prediction.[11] In 1990, Haire and Gibson estimated mendelevium metal to have an enthalpy of sublimation between 134 and 142 kJ/mol.[11] Divalent mendelevium metal should have a metallic radius of around 194±10 pm.[11] Like the other divalent late actinides (except the once again trivalent lawrencium), metallic mendelevium should assume a face-centered cubic crystal structure.[1] Mendelevium's melting point has been estimated at 827 °C, the same value as that predicted for the neighboring element nobelium.[15] Its density is predicted to be around 10.3±0.7 g/cm3.[1]

Chemical[edit source]


The chemistry of mendelevium is mostly known only in solution, in which it can take on the +3 or +2 oxidation states. The +1 state has also been reported, but has not yet been confirmed.[16]

Before mendelevium's discovery, Seaborg and Katz predicted that it should be predominantly trivalent in aqueous solution and hence should behave similarly to other tripositive lanthanides and actinides. After the synthesis of mendelevium in 1955, these predictions were confirmed, first in the observation at its discovery that it eluted just after fermium in the trivalent actinide elution sequence from a cation-exchange column of resin, and later the 1967 observation that mendelevium could form insoluble hydroxides and fluorides that coprecipitated with trivalent lanthanide salts.[16]Cation-exchange and solvent extraction studies led to the conclusion that mendelevium was a trivalent actinide with an ionic radius somewhat smaller than that of the previous actinide, fermium.[16]Mendelevium can form coordination complexes with 1,2-cyclohexanedinitrilotetraacetic acid (DCTA).[16]

In reducing conditions, mendelevium(III) can be easily reduced to mendelevium(II), which is stable in aqueous solution.[16] The standard reduction potential of the E°(Md3+→Md2+) couple was variously estimated in 1967 as −0.10 V or −0.20 V:[16] later 2013 experiments established the value as −0.16±0.05 V.[17] In comparison, E°(Md3+→Md0) should be around −1.74 V, and E°(Md2+→Md0) should be around −2.5 V.[16] Mendelevium(II)'s elution behavior has been compared with that of strontium(II) and europium(II).[16]

In 1973, mendelevium(I) was reported to have been produced by Russian scientists, who obtained it by reducing higher oxidation states of mendelevium with samarium(II). It was found to be stable in neutral water–ethanol solution and be homologous to caesium(I). However, later experiments found no evidence for mendelevium(I) and found that mendelevium behaved like divalent elements when reduced, not like the monovalent alkali metals.[16] Nevertheless, the Russian team conducted further studies on the thermodynamics of cocrystallizing mendelevium with alkali metal chlorides, and concluded that mendelevium(I) had formed and could form mixed crystals with divalent elements, thus cocrystallizing with them. The status of the +1 oxidation state is still tentative.[16]

Although E°(Md4+→Md3+) was predicted in 1975 to be +5.4 V, suggesting that mendelevium(III) could be oxidized to mendelevium(IV), 1967 experiments with the strong oxidizing agent sodium bismuthatewere unable to oxidize mendelevium(III) to mendelevium(IV).[16]

Atomic[edit source]


A mendelevium atom has 101 electrons, of which at least three (and perhaps four) can act as valence electrons. They are expected to be arranged in the configuration [Rn]5f137s2 (ground state term symbol2F7/2), although experimental verification of this electron configuration had not yet been made as of 2006.[18] In forming compounds, three valence electrons may be lost, leaving behind a [Rn]5f12 core: this conforms to the trend set by the other actinides with their [Rn] 5fn electron configurations in the tripositive state. The first ionization potential of mendelevium was measured to be at most (6.58 ± 0.07) eV in 1974, based on the assumption that the 7s electrons would ionize before the 5f ones;[19] this value has since not yet been refined further due to mendelevium's scarcity and high radioactivity.[20] The ionic radius of hexacoordinate Md3+ had been preliminarily estimated in 1978 to be around 91.2 pm;[16] 1988 calculations based on the logarithmic trend between distribution coefficients and ionic radius produced a value of 89.6 pm, as well as an enthalpy of hydration of −3654±12 kJ/mol.[16] Md2+ should have an ionic radius of 115 pm and hydration enthalpy −1413 kJ/mol; Md+ should have ionic radius 117 pm.[16]

Isotopes[edit source]


Main article: Isotopes of mendelevium

Sixteen isotopes of mendelevium are known, with mass numbers from 245 to 260; all are radioactive.[21] Additionally, five nuclear isomers are known: 245mMd, 247mMd, 249mMd, 254mMd, and 258mMd.[2][22] Of these, the longest-lived isotope is 258Md with a half-life of 51.5 days, and the longest-lived isomer is 258mMd with a half-life of 58.0 minutes.[2][22] Nevertheless, the slightly shorter-lived 256Md (half-life 1.17 hours) is more often used in chemical experimentation because it can be produced in larger quantities from alpha particle irradiation of einsteinium.[21] After 258Md, the next most stable mendelevium isotopes are 260Md with a half-life of 31.8 days, 257Md with a half-life of 5.52 hours, 259Md with a half-life of 1.60 hours, and 256Md with a half-life of 1.17 hours. All of the remaining mendelevium isotopes have half-lives that are less than an hour, and the majority of these have half-lives that are less than 5 minutes.[2][21][22]

The half-lives of mendelevium isotopes mostly increase smoothly from 245Md onwards, reaching a maximum at 258Md.[2][21][22] Experiments and predictions suggest that the half-lives will then decrease, apart from 260Md with a half-life of 31.8 days,[2][21][22] as spontaneous fission becomes the dominant decay mode[2] due to the mutual repulsion of the protons posing a limit to the island of relative stability of long-lived nuclei in the actinide series.[23]

Mendelevium-256, the chemically most important isotope of mendelevium, decays through electron capture 90.7% of the time and alpha decay 9.9% of the time.[21] It is most easily detected through the spontaneous fission of its electron-capture daughter fermium-256, but in the presence of other nuclides that undergo spontaneous fission, alpha decays at the characteristic energies for mendelevium-256 (7.205 and 7.139 MeV) can provide more useful identification.[24]
y far.[31]