
Wikipedia talk:首页/档案0



昨晚一时头脑发热,想让 wiki.t-s.us.kg 的站点统计数据多一些, 就创建了许多新页面。我想可能会给大家带来一些操作上的不便。道歉。 --ghyll 11:45 2002年 11 月 15 日(北京时间)


中文繁简命名冲突的问题是否可以象下面这样来解决: 有一个“宗教”条目,里面再指向“宗教·简”、“宗教·繁”这两个条目。 某些页面内容不多,可以在该页面内繁简共存,如“宣告”等。 我在民族条目里试着采用这种方法,大家看可不可行。

Wikipedia 如何翻译,我认为要慎重,集思广益的好。我觉得“维基百科全书”不如“维基百科”:)


另外,我没有翻译完全首页上的英文前言,只翻了一部分。 --ghyll 00:10 2002年 11 月 15 日(北京时间)


to formulax:





  • 方案1:wiki.t-s.us.kg 域名下不放繁体条目。再开设一个新域名,如 tw.wikipedia.org (新域名是什么可以讨论,呵呵 :p )
  • 方案2:提供一个新的命名约定来解决这个问题。
  • 方案3:修改软件,把繁简作为用户的个人设置。

方案1比较简单、直接。新域名下的 interface localization file 可以采用繁体字,这样就方便了繁体用户。可实际上繁简的差别并不是语言的差别,从各种中文知识的角度上看,繁简的差别并不大。方案2要讨论商定。方案3好像不太好吧。:)

to Brion:

could you change the style sheet for tag <p> by

p{ text-indent: 2em }

for the style conventions of chinese paragraph?


with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.
这是一段版权信息的一部分,诸如Invariant Sections等都是法律名词,不知应该怎么翻译才行?

我认为contributor虽然直译是贡献者,不过翻成参与者是否听起来更顺耳呢? 我已经着手翻译Wikipedia版权信息了,不过无法进行繁简字体转换。--formulax

就可以使页面具有一种典雅的风格。作为百科全书,页面风格还是朴素为宜。 --ghyll


我还翻译了一部分Wikipedia:LanguageZh.php,但 namespace 是否都要翻成中文呢?
我觉得把这两部分翻译过来最重要,只有翻译好了才能告诉更多的人,让他们参与进来。 --ghyll


我还在上学,现在学习比较忙,我只能抽空来作这件事的。 ghyll

sorry, i'm not familiar with linux. but have you installed all the localization packages? ghyll

No, I only installed simplified Chinese package, and it works fine on any other websites.
What Linux distribution are you running? What web browser? You may have to configure fonts appropriately; some browsers select default fonts based on character coding instead of the actual characters present. The non-western European language sections of Wikipedia use Unicode (UTF-8 encoding) instead of the wide range of more language-specific encodings, and the default Unicode font in your browser might not include Chinese characters. --Brion VIBBER 09:02 2002年 11 月6日 (UTC)

Hi everybody, I've got a problem here. I can't read any Chinese characters here with my Linux. I don't know why and what shall I do to fix it? --formulax

您好! 我编写过世界语[1]的条目,原来也试过写这个中文的,但汉字有时不能正确显示出来。 另外,既然是中文百科全书,大家又是中国人,希望能用汉语作为交流工具。 我是一名世界语者,编过世界语的Wikipedia所以对语言问题比较敏感。


Hi, Brion.

I'm a graduate student in Peking University, Beijing, PR.China. I had translate the English MainPage into Chinese and edited the MainPage in zh.wikipedia.com which is moved here. I really want to and can do some contributes to the localization things.

I can translate these word into Chinese in Wikipedia:LanguageZh.php, but before we do it we'd better discuss something about the Chinese Language.

Chinese is used by millions of people scattered all aroud the world, and maybe they can divided into 4 groups - users in mainland, users in taiwan, users in Southeast Asia, users in other part of the world. The language they used is mostly the same, but the character set and some special terms they used are different. Then there is two situations:

(1) the same word in language, but different characters.

for example, the term "Denmark" in mainland is "丹麦" ; but is "丹麥" in taiwan.

(2) the same meaning of some special teams, but different words in language and different characters

for example, the term "software" in mainland is "软件" ; but is "軟体" in taiwan.

I think "simplified vs traditional characters" is not a big problem, for there are many tools to translate them.

if we use UTF-8 to encode the page, I think the page can be viewed and edit correctly all around the world. But the page encoded in simplified characters cannot understand smoothly by taiwanese. It is necessary to create two page for the same item in the encyclopedia.

Considering all these problems, how can we edit the MainPage, and how can we edit item pages and TOC pages?

In the MainPage now I had tried to give some solution for these problems, but I don't know whether the solution is proper and acceptable.

The solution is based on my opinion: all the Chinese knowledge on web shoud be shared by all the Chinese around the world. I will explain it later.


I've moved the Chinese Wikipedia stub over to the new server and the new software; it's set up for Unicode instead of Latin-1, so direct typing and linking of Chinese characters should work.

Note: the search function isn't likely to work at the moment; it has some problems with Unicode. Will be fixed soon hopefully...

Basic linking should work. For info on linking articles in different languages together, see [2]. (Right now linking to the Chinese will be a little difficult.)

Question: what's going to be the best way to handle simplified vs traditional characters? Does anything need to be set in the stylesheets to keep things consistent?

Interface localization: Wikipedia:LanguageZh.php

我刚接触wiki几天, 我也发现在处理中文的 WikiName, InterWiki 等技术问题上有些麻烦,我这两天的经验是只能使用utf-8字符集(不论是浏览器还是WikiEngine)。另外WikiEngine在存取后台数据的时候也要用unicode才能保证查询、索引等功能的正常使用。我目前看到这个站点用的UseModWiki好像不是这样处理的。

我现在还只用过MoinMoin,这个软件用文件系统的普通文件来存储数据,并把非西欧字符集(ISO-885915)的所有字符用浏览器指定的字符集来编码,包括文件名也如此,比如 “呵呵” 就会存为 e3_ba_c7_e3_ba_c7。这样的好处就是当搜索的时候软件可以用unicode的统一规则来判断匹配项。我现在我们学校(国内cernet)建了一个内部wiki站,我会继续关注这方面的问题。 -- Yufeng Lan