


沃爾夫定律(英語:Wolff's law)是由十九世紀時德國的解剖學家及外科醫生朱利叶斯·沃尔夫英语Julius Wolff提出的理論,認為健康的人類或動物的骨骼會適應所在部位需承受的負載[1]。若特定骨骼的負載增加了,骨骼會慢慢的變強壯,來承受該負載[2]。骨中小梁英语trabecula的內在結構會產生適應性的變化,而骨的外層皮層也會隨之變化[3],因此也有可能使骨骼變粗。反之亦然,若骨骼負載減少,骨骼也會變細,因為該骨骼的新陳代謝較不需要,而且沒有刺激來產生可以維持骨質量的骨的再建英语bone remodeling[4]。這種骨密度的減少(骨質缺乏英语osteopenia)稱為應力遮蔽(stress shielding),可能出現在髖關節手術(或是植入其他假體)後的情形。骨骼因為其他的假體承受了應力,因此讓骨骼無法承受到正常的應力。






  1. ^ Anahad O'Connor. The Claim: After Being Broken, Bones Can Become Even Stronger. New York Times. October 18, 2010 [2010-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-18). This concept — that bone adapts to pressure, or a lack of it — is known as Wolff’s law. ... there is no evidence that a bone that breaks will heal to be stronger than it was before. 
  2. ^ Frost, HM. Wolff's Law and bone's structural adaptations to mechanical usage: an overview for clinicians. The Angle Orthodontist. 1994, 64 (3): 175–188. PMID 8060014. doi:10.1043/0003-3219(1994)064<0175:WLABSA>2.0.CO;2. 
  3. ^ Stedman's Medical Dictionary
  4. ^ Wolff J. "The Law of Bone Remodeling". Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 1986 (translation of the German 1892 edition)
  5. ^ Frost, HM. Bone's mechanostat: a 2003 update. The Anatomical Record Part A: Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology. 2003, 275 (2): 1081–1101. PMID 14613308. doi:10.1002/ar.a.10119可免费查阅. 
  • Das Gesetz der Transformation der Knochen - 1892. Reprint: Pro Business, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86805-648-8.
  • The Classic: On the Inner Architecture of Bones and its Importance for Bone Growth, Clin Orthop Rel Res. 2010 Apr;468(4):1056-1065

