


Five worn shells of Erepta setiliris at Réunion island
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
纲: 腹足纲 Gastropoda
目: 柄眼目 Stylommatophora
亚目: 旋蝸牛亞目 Helicina
下目: 蛞蝓下目 Limacoidei
总科: 勇蜗总科 Helicarionoidea
科: 鱉甲蝸牛科 Helicarionidae
Bourguignat, 1877[1]




本科物種分佈於古北界東部,马尔加什英语Malagasy Republic馬達加斯加留尼汪科摩羅)、印度東南亞澳大利亞[4]



本科的蝸牛都會在交配時伸出幾丁質交配器戀矢love dart)插進對方的生殖孔,以交換精子[5]





The following two subfamilies were recognized in the taxonomy of Bouchet & Rocroi (2005):[3]

  • 亚科 Helicarioninae Bourguignat, 1877 - synonyms: Pseudotrochatellinae A. J. Wagner, 1905;[10] Ereptinae Godwin-Austen, 1908;[11] Xestinae Gude & B. B. Woodward, 1921;[12] Sesarinae Thiele, 1931;[13] Nitoridae Iredale, 1937;[14] Epiglyptidae Iredale, 1944;[15] Gudeoconchidae Iredale, 1944[15]
  • 亚科 Durgellinae Godwin-Austen, 1888[16]
    • Durgellini Godwin-Austen, 1888 - synonyms: Sitalinae Godwin-Austen, 1900;[17] Sophininae W. Blanford & Godwin-Austen, 1908;[18] Satiellini Schileyko, 2003[19]
    • Girasiini Collinge, 1902[20]






族 Durgellini
  • 族 Girasiini





以下的系统发生学分支图顯示了根據Hausdorf (2000)所描述蛞蝓下目各科之間的親緣關係[4]

 蛞蝓下目 Limacoidei 





克氏螺科 Chronidae

真蛞蝓科 Euconulidae


腹齒螺科 Gastrodontidae






 帶螺總科 Zonitoidea 

帶螺科 Zonitidae

鳖甲蜗牛科 Helicarionidae

拟阿勇蛞蝓科 Ariophantidae





蛞蝓科 Limacidae

野蛞蝓科 Agriolimacidae


  1. ^ Bourguignat J. R. (1877). "Description de deux nouveaux genres algériens, suive d'une classification des families et des genres de Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du système européen". Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Toulouse 3(1): 49-101. page 64.
  2. ^ 施乃普. 綠島小形貝殼. 中國貝誌 (中華民國貝類學會). 1975, 2: 33–46 [2018-08-28] (中文(繁體)). 
  3. ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Bouchet, P.; Rocroi, J.-P.; Frýda, J.; Hausdorf, B.; Ponder, W.; Valdés, Á. & Warén, A. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia (Hackenheim, Germany: ConchBooks). 2005, 47 (1–2): 1–397. ISBN 3-925919-72-4. OCLC 61351079. OL 42989175M. S2CID 83847814. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Hausdorf, B. Biogeography of the Limacoidea sensu lato (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora): Vicariance Events and Long-Distance Dispersal. Journal of Biogeography. 2000, 27 (2): 379–390. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2699.2000.00403.x (英语). 
  5. ^ 記用蝸牛來作實驗. 2013-07-19 (中文(繁體)). 
  6. ^ G. M. Barker. The Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs. CABI. 2001: 139. ISBN 978-0-85199-318-8. 
  7. ^ Chanidaporn Tumpeesuwan and Sakboworn Tumpeesuwan. 2017. Discovery of An Overlooked Helicarionid Land Snail (Helicarionidae: Durgellinae) from northeastern Thailand, with Description of A New Genus and New Species, and Note on Radula Morphology and Genital System. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 65; 181–188.
  8. ^ Arthit Pholyotha, Chirasak Sutcharit, Piyoros Tongkerd and Somsak Panha. 2021. Systematic Revision of the Limestone Karst-restricted Land Snail Genus Aenigmatoconcha (Eupulmonata: Helicarionidae), with Description of A New Species. European Journal of Taxonomy. 767(1), 55-82. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.767.1487
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Arthit Pholyotha, Chirasak Sutcharit, Ngwe Lwin and Panha Somsak. 2024. Unveiling the Diversity of the Semislug Gnus Durgella Blanford, 1863 (Eupulmonata: Helicarionidae) from Thailand and Myanmar, with Description of Two New Species. Zool Stud. 63:14. DOI: 10.6620/ZS.2024.63-14.
  10. ^ Wagner A. J. (1905). Denkschriften der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 77: 365.
  11. ^ Godwin-Austen H. H. (1908). "On the Animals of Genera and Species of Mascarene Land-Mollusca belonging to the family Zonitidae, collected by Monsieur E. Dupont". Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)2: 422-436. 432. Plate 9-11.
  12. ^ Gude G. P. L. K. & Woodward B. B. (1921). "On Helicella, Férussac". Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 14(5-6): 174-190. page 185.
  13. ^ Thiele (1931). Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde 1(2): 620.
  14. ^ Iredale T. (1937). The Australian Zoologist 9(1): 2.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Iredale T. (1944). The Australian Zoologist 10(3): page 326 and page 328.
  16. ^ Godwin-Austen H. H. (1888). Land and freshwater Mollusca of India 1(6): 253.
  17. ^ Godwin-Austen H. H. (1900). In: Sykes Mollusca. In: Sharp (ed.) Fauna Hawaiiensis 2(4): 283.
  18. ^ Blanford W. T. & Godwin-Austen H. H. (1908). The fauna of British India. Mollusca. Testacellidae and Zonitidae, page 283.
  19. ^ Schileyko (2003). Treatise on Recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, part 10: 1319.
  20. ^ Collinge (1902). The Journal of Malacology 9(3): 71, 73.
  21. ^ {{cite journal |last=Ho |first=Wai Hoong |title=A Review Of The Land-Snail Fauna of Singapore |journal=[[The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology ||year=1995 |volume=43 |issue=1 |pages=91-113 |url=http://malaypeninsularsnail.myspecies.info/node/30 |language=en |access-date=2017-02-16 |archive-date=2017-02-16 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170216224248/http://malaypeninsularsnail.myspecies.info/node/30 |dead-url=no }}

